The Executive Committee, after due notice, met and decided that:

I. The golf tournament will commence at 8:00 A.M. and be terminated by 12:00 Noon: (Outlaws must verify handicap)

II. The TOP SPINNING Contest will commence at 10:00 A.M. (Tops courtesy of "POP-POP"....Strings & Prizes to be provided by Chairman)

III. "Wine & Cheese" tasting contest will be held-from 11:30 A.M. until 12:30 P. M., under the following stipulations:
(a) All wine makers entering contest shall provide at least one fifth of white; one fifth of red; and one fifth of any other wine.
(b)Those not providing wine shall provide at least 1/2 lb. sharp cheese; 1/2 lb.mild cheese; and 1/2 lb. soft cheese.
(c) The Chairman will provide crackers and nuts.

IV. The cookie tasting contest will commence immediately after lunch (Pa. bake rasin cookies; N.J. bake Chocolate; Md. bake nut cookies; and Va. buy some!)

V. Peanut Scramble will be held at 3:00 P.M. for all children between the ages of One & Sixty.

VI. The swimming contest will commence at 3:30 P.M. and will be scheduled to include:
  (a) 25 yds for over sixty yr. olds $100.00
  (b) 25 yds for 50-60 yr o]ds $1.00
  (c)400 yds for 40-50 yr-olds $1.00
  (d)Dock to staff house & back for 30-40yrs $1.00
  (e)Dock to dam & back 20-30 yr olds $1.00
  (f)Around the circumference of lake l0-20 yrs 50¢

VII. The marble tournament will commence at 4:00 P.M.(each participant must provide poppers!!)

VIII. A Cocktail party & Clam Shucking contest will be held from 5:00 to 6:00 P.M.; but
(a) Each participant will be required to furnish BOOZE for Chairman's Toast to the CLAN.
(b) Lloyd & Cliff will provide the clams..after all!!
(c) The Chairman will be the TOASTMASTER.

IX. The ice cream eating contest will commence at 8:30 P.M.,and
(a)Each member owning a churn shall bring same,with appropriate ingredients for two batches, to the dining hall at dinner time.
(b) After dinner, all teen-agers will "churn. "

X. The "Home Movies Contest", among those members of the clan who have home-movies will commence at Dark " and end at 9:00 P.M. under the following rules:
(a)No member shall show more than 25 reels.
(b)Members or their immediate family must be in said movies; no person beyond the 3rd degree of kindred shall be exhibited.
(c) No person shall be criticised for not watching said movies.
(d) Bill & Jack to provide the prizes

XI. Outlaws will meet at 9:00 P.M.(No alcoholic beverages will be consumed until meeting adjourns) Agenda will include re-election of the CHAIRMAN & Redskin game invitations.

Dated: July 18, 1975 Respectfully submitted,
      Jack L. Schroeder signature

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Created on December 20, 1995 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Last Modifed on Saturday February 7, 1998 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
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Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.