[Reunion X]


1. Wine and Cheese Party - each male over 18 shall provide a fifth of wine. Each family or household shall provide a pound of cheese, two boxes of chips or crackers, and dip. (Mix and match these items as desired!)
2. Wear a Tshirt at the Wine & Cheese Party; prizes are being given for the following Tshirt categories:
oldest, most original, furthest away, sexiest, and ugliest.)
3. No lunch is being served this year; bring your own if you wish.
4. Ongoing throughout the afternoon will be a scavenger hunt for kids ages 6 12; they can obtain a list of articles at the Wine and Cheese Party.
5. There will be a "Book, Magazine, and Coupon Exchange" set up. Bring some to get some.
6. Each family is asked to compose a short poem. It should recall a story of someone in the family. The poems will be read at supper.
7. In case of rain each family should bring along cards, board games, puzzles, and brain teasers.
8. A 50/50 raffle will be held to help raise funds for using the camp.
9. We will be trying something new this year for supper. There is going to be a picnic barbecue. If you have a small grill, please bring it. Besides your usual fresh garden goodies each nuclear family should bring a covered dish. Meat, corn, and condiments will be provided for all at camp. The success of the meal depends upon your imagination so don't bring macaroni or potato salad. Dessert will be provided at camp.

SEE EVERYONE AT 11:00 on Saturday, August 13th.

  [JR Initials]
  Sincerely Yours,

[Fencewood Separator Bar]

     REUNION X has been scheduled for Saturday, August 13, 1983 at Camp Hugh Beaver. The Reunion schedule is as follows:

1. 11:30 12:30 Wine & Cheese
TShirt Contest
2. 12:30 1:00 Cleanup
Change into swimsuits
3. 1:00 4:30 Waterfront
4. 1:00 1:45 Volleyball
5. 2:30 Egg toss at the flagpole
6. 3:30 Watermelon Battle
7. 4:30 Change for Mass
Preparation for Dinner
8. 6:00 7:00 Cookout
9. 7:00 Cleanup
lO. 7:20 Awards, Poem Reading, and Raffle Drawing

[Fencewood Separator Bar]

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[Fencewood Separator Bar]

Created on January 28, 1996 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Last Modifed on Saturday February 7, 1998 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Send Comments to lfoss@myxa.com

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